Hi folks.

I have blogged elsewhere during my Master's [2008-2009], in portuguese.

Now I have this new blog proudly built using Pelican, Python, RestructuredText, and the awesome ultimate blogging deploy system that Github Pages offers.

A few words about blogging tools

Some of my not-so-formal requirements for a blogging tool that made me did these choices:

  1. I don't want emails, social media, or internet connection getting in the way of writing.
  2. I don't need a WYSIWYG tool, a simple but great text editor will work.
  3. I want static pages and control the HTML output.
  4. I want a smooth deploy.
  5. I want to import my old posts nicely.
  6. I want i18n (i.e. write both in en and pt-br).
  7. I want to write semantic annotations in my posts (using Microdata and schema.org easily).
  8. I want my blog to be responsive, working nicely in mobile devices.

Wordpress is enough for most people, but basically fails in items 1, 2, 3.

Jekyll/Octopress seemed programmer-friendly from the start, but Python is a low entry barrier for me than Ruby, specially for implementing microdata semantic annotation (item 7), as there is a plugin already.

Speaking of microdata, I just improved pelican-microdata a little.

PS: In fact, in item 6, it was a little bit frustrating the difficult of configuring i18n subsites plugin. I just gave up and just used intra-article translations.


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